The pervasiveness of loss - Or is the story of Kafka and the Doll one of healing?

Juli 19, 2021 1 min read

Kafka and the doll

There are many versions of the story of Franz Kafka and the Doll - all of them beautiful, simple and touching. People are invariably moved when they hear how the inconsolable girl was helped by Kafka, how they hunted together for her lost doll, and his subsequent stories and letter to her "from the doll" on her travels and how they brought comfort. When a new doll was produced, obviously looking very different, his explanation was profound saying indeed she was altered and that her travels had changed her. 
Kafka and the doll
The girl, reflecting on this later as an adult understood the summary that everything you love will eventually be lost, but love will return in a different form. Franz Kafka's kind actions had touched her young heart and had stayed with her through life. This story resonates and reminds us of the well known Robert Pattinson quote: “Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch". Kindness, loved ones and making a difference as we journey through life is something that speaks volumes to us at Memory Treasures. 

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